1 ArtCrimes www.graffiti.org
Graffiti art and style writing around the world. The first and largest online aerosol art archive, est.
1994. Links to most of the other sites devoted to modern graffiti.
2 Above Suspicion Kru utenti.lycos.it/aesse/index.htm
Graffiti in Italy - Above Suspicion Kru. (The last updating was 18/7/2001).
3 SketchOut membres.lycos.fr/sketchout/
This site is entirely dedicated to graffiti. But mostly to where it all starts: sketches.
Here you'll find a lot of characters, outlines, but also some pieces in the "gallery" section...
4 Daim www.daim.org
Daim - and by it all is said.
5 Loomit www.loomit.de
You did not hear about Loomit? |o| Then look at his pieces...